The end of the first semester of your first year in college is near, and I hope
everyone is having a positive and productive experience so far. I know from
experience this first semester has probably been overwhelming, but hopefully you
all have enjoyed it. For those who haven’t, I have come up with a few tips that might
help you enjoy the rest of your first year of college.
First, get involved. If you come to college and sit in your room all day, nine times out
of ten, you will hate your time there. This is why it is important to get involved!
Getting involved allows you to not only to make friends, but connections as well. An
example of a way to get involved is to join your state club. State clubs are made up of
people who are from the same place as you, and they host events that you might be
used to attending.
Secondly, be open-minded. In college, you will inevitably be surrounded with people
with many different views, religions, sexualities, cultures, and races. Be open to
these new people; this can be your time to learn about different things in the world.
Curiosity is a virtue. If you want to know something about someone or something,
be open and ASK!
Lastly, keep close friends nearby. Since we’re in college, more than half of us are
away from our family. For that reason, friends are important to have around for
when you’re homesick, piled with work, or in need of an ear to vent to. Keeping
close friends near can and will be the little bit of encouragement you need when
you’re down.
Good luck to all!